


First publication in the press about us came out in 2007 (5 years ago) under the heading "High Quality Products in the Forefront" and to this principle we always adhere.

We deliver our products to locomotive and rail car factories in Russian Federation and CIS countries. We work with a large number of commercial intermediary companies. Internet, "word of mouth" spread the following synonyms quickly: "VP RTT" - best price - high quality. For 10 years we did not receive a single complaint.

Here is the dynamics of sales of products for the last five years (if we take the year 2007 for 100%):







105% (crisis)




I.e. over the past five years we have doubled our output.

Of 220 products 70% of orders cover only 20 products: for rail cars - sealings for wheelset axles, for rail tanks – sealings for filler hatches, drain, main and control valves. For engines of diesel locomotives we manufacture repair kits of rubber products for cylinder groups of nitrile, fluorine and silicone parts.

In preparatory production the most reliable rubber compound making method (open) is used. It provides high quality mixing of ingredients. We use recipes of Rubber Products Research Institute (NIIRP) (Moscow).

What guarantees high physical and mechanical properties and high degree of reliability of rubber products. The field of use include aggressive environments, wide temperature ranges from -65°C to 250°C.

The company continuously works to improve the product quality. Technology group is in constant contact with the experts and scientists of Volga Polytechnic Institute (branch of Volgograd State University), keeping in touch with the latest developments in rubber industry and introducing them into production.

So far we have replaced control equipment and equipment for parameter regulation for curing presses with electronic devices.

Besides, our specialists developed number of devices that simulate operating conditions where parts are used and this provides additional control over product quality and eliminate customer complaints.

Design Group of VP RTT deals with all issues related to the development of technical documentation.

To reduce heat loss and to save energy we have insulated the production building, replacing standard bulbs with energy saving lamps, purchased and planned to install solar panels, as well as pyrolysis furnace that uses production waste.

Qualification of the personnel constantly increases through participation of experts in exhibitions, seminars. Workers systematically are trained in safe work methods, production technology, molded products, and reduction of defects. The company's employees are provided with protective clothing, personal protective equipment, and special food.

High salaries, mechanization of materials’ handling, normal working conditions, favorable psychological climate, reduction of energy consumption - these all helped create a team capable of solving problems of producing high-tech, low-cost products with high quality.

        Difficulties in the industry.

      1.  Leadership of the industry annually requires the companies to reduce cost of products but the government does not require the same things from energy companies and raw materials companies. The cost of ingredients from 2008 has risen to 180%. Energy producers are allowed to increase costs of energy by 15% a year, but this permission is spread to all pieces in the chain: from the generating companies to power transmission companies, and their number may include at least 2-3 entities. Therefore, when electricity reaches the customer the cost increases to 60-75% per year. How one can talk about assistance to small and medium-size enterprises, if such a policy on the one hand leads to bankruptcy of enterprises and on the other hand to a sharp deterioration in the quality of products due to violations in manufacturing technology.

       2.  Russia has asked for 17 years to become the member of WTO but did nothing to help enterprises in to purchase high-output but also very expensive foreign equipment. Due to the fact that the profits of enterprises due to the above-mentioned policy of the government are minimal, and companies will not be able to take the risks of repayment of loans and leases up to 50% per year as many did before joining WTO, 80% of rubber production industry in 5 to7 years will go to China and this is unfortunate.

Excerpts from the article in magazine Rost (Growth) #3 (58), 2012

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